Spring cup 2007

SpringCup - A good start of the international O-season

I looked a little more at Spring cup. I think it is good test of your shape on the beginning of the season. But usually not so much interested for SNO. But anyway...

I dont say for 100% I must go there, but if SNO would build strong team, we compare our power with the rest of the world.

Because Spring cup is far away from Södertälje, only one reasonable way is to fly there. Flight there Friday afternoon/evening and back after the relay Sunday afternoon. I check prize - 1000 SEK overall. Rent a car 160 EUR.

I know that Mathias Müller is coming there. So he is member number 1. But for the team we need 4 people. Who else? Tomas Dlabaja, Petr Losman and ....

Postat av: KE

We will not go for Spring Cup this season, i also had a chatt with Matthias Müller and his was NOT interested to go.

2007-01-17 @ 23:06:44
Postat av: Pål

Who has written this?

As Kari said we agreed on not going there and instead try to run Måsenstafetten.

2007-01-18 @ 06:59:26
Postat av: KE

Yes, who wrote this?

2007-01-18 @ 09:29:47
Postat av: Anders

I agree with Pål and Kari, better to save money and maybe get some support for a trainingcamp this summer in Buzna-republic.

Anonomus>>What was the purpose with a trip to Spring-cup?

2007-01-18 @ 12:27:26
Postat av: Tomas

I wrote this. For us continental runners is Spring Cup typical start of new season. But SNO view is very different. But I just wanted to know your opinion. There is no other race where you could compare you shape with other world top runners.

2007-01-18 @ 14:19:34
Postat av: KE

Tomas>>Save your good shape to the WOC, SC is not important.

2007-01-18 @ 17:24:27
Postat av: Matthias

hello buznas!
this is a good chance to say hello. hope everything is fine in sno-land... here, things are going well. As Kari said, I'll not come to SpringCup, I'll go to MOC in Italy instead (I hope to find warm weather and not plenty of snow as last year in DK).

2007-01-18 @ 20:55:12
Postat av: Tomas

Hej Mathias, nice to hear you!

Ok, I will stop to talk about Spring cup, but this misunderstanding arised after our talk with Petr Losman. We didnt have right info and supposed that Mathias and whole Swiss team is going to Spring Cup and also that in Sweden here are not any other competitions... etc

Ok, Spring cup is dead ;-)

2007-01-18 @ 21:40:30
Postat av: KE

Tomas>>It must have been 2006 in your mind, now it's 2007 and WOC is in Ukraine :))

2007-01-18 @ 22:14:30
Postat av: Anders A

Matthias>>Nice to hear from you and Italy sounds really nice..
Are you comming to Sweden in february for 10-mila-camp? It would be cool if you did!

Tomas>>We have Måsenstafetten here in Sweden that weekend. Good opportunity to practise "relay-running"

2007-01-19 @ 16:09:05

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