Report from Vienna

Hi SNOare

Anders told me to write something about my situation, plans for the spring on the blog, so i do that.

Everything works good in my wintertraining so far, I trained a lot together with a small group here in vienna during the winter. In January i was in skiholiday in the swiss alps together with my family. In February I was three weeks in Tenerife for training, that was really great! First we wanted to go to Kenia, but then, when there were a lot of roumors due political stress we changed our plans and cancelled the trip to africa.

Last week I was in Hungary for a trainingcamp together with the austrian nationalteam, the first one which had the focus on map-training. I am already really hot for the upcoming competitions. April will be a very busy month: first we'll have our qualifications for the EOC, the we (the swiss team) go directly to Czech Republic for a training camp. It's bad, that I'll miss the tio-camp in the beginning of April, but then I'll have to focus the quals. But of course, I'm looking forward to Tiomila!

I'll stay in Södertälje the whole week before tio and hope to see all of you guys in that week and do also some good maptrainings to be ready for the big battle!

Then Trainingcamps and EOC in May, Jukola in June, but no WC in Norway for me to focus on WOC after a heavy spring season.

yeah, thats it for the moment. looking forward seeing all you soon.


Postat av: CG

We are looking forward to meet you here in Södertälje. I think we can arrange some real god trainings. As sson as you booked tickets so give us details so we can start planning. Accomodation traweling etc.

Michal (Bingo) what arrangements have you made so far?


2008-03-25 @ 08:28:28
Postat av: Michal Smola

Hi guys!
It is being long time I haven't seen you and I already look forward to be back in Sweden soon. I have already booked my flight to 10mila.
I will come on Friday 18th of April, so I would like to run Stigtomtakavlen too.
My training has been really good so far, no injuries. I have just come back home from spain where I run Spaninsh Championships in very nice terrain. Two weeks ago I was on training camp in France with Czech Team in very demanding terrain (in Le Caylar) so I hope I have improoved my orienteering and I will be prepared very well for 10mila. You can find an interview in english with me on the webside of my training team: There are also some other reports from interesting trainings in the News section there.
So see you soon guys and enjoy your training!

2008-03-25 @ 11:03:50
Postat av: CG

Fixat länken

Postat av: Bjowi

CG>> Working hard for the consultancy salary today? ;-)

Bingo, Müllweiser>> Good news! Looking forward to meet you as well!

2008-03-25 @ 12:48:40
Postat av: Pichal

And what about you the BIGGIST???

2008-03-25 @ 21:05:39
Postat av: Anonym

Hello Bingo and Mullweiser,
Nice to hear from you guys. You are more than welcome when you arrive. Cool to hear that you are running stitomta Bingo.
Mullweiser>>Great to hear that your preparation is going as planed.
Hope your friend isn´t mad at me. We had some kind of comunicationproblem Christian and me. He has survived anyway..

The biggest, the biggest buzna! What are you doing right now? Miss you here!!

2008-03-26 @ 17:59:28
Postat av: ISak

Hello Buznas! (You now ho you are..) Really nice to here from you!

I`m really looking forward to this season! Hoppefully the best ever for me and SNO!

Biggest>> Are you alive?

2008-03-27 @ 11:01:56
Postat av: Fast

who is biggest??
who is isak?
and who is SNO?

2008-03-27 @ 12:14:40
Postat av: Pichal

Fast>> Don´t drink and surf! Or don´t do so many sitdowns.

2008-03-28 @ 09:21:18

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